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Before LSD became synonymous with hippies and flower power, scientists used psychedelic drugs for cutting-edge medical research and treatments.

Now the medical world is taking them back. There are currently about 100 psychedelic drug trials underway across the globe, testing potential treatments for depression, anxiety, alcohol- and drug-use disorders, dementia, anorexia and chronic pain.

In Australia, researchers are testing MDMA and psilocybin as treatments for some psychiatric conditions. Even the Australian government is on board, to the tune of $15 million in research funding.

So how did psychedelics go from “cutting-edge” medicine to prohibited substances within a few decades? Was the 1960s counterculture just a scapegoat to cut research funding globally? And what’s fuelling the resurgence, even in Australia?

No longer in control of his perceptions

Psychedelic drugs, including lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), psilocybin and ayahuasca, can alter a person’s mood, heighten their senses and cause hallucinations.

They occur naturally in plants such as mushrooms, including copelandia, gymnopilus and inocybe, and cacti, like the San Pedro cactus, while others are created in laboratories.

LSD was first synthesized in 1938 but it wasn’t until 1943 that Swiss biochemist Albert Hofmann was the first to ingest it — albeit by accident, according to medical historian Erika Dyck.

Hofmann spilt a vial of LSD on his hand while in the lab and went home feeling “a bit queasy”, she says.

“He was plunged into what he describes as sort of a Salvador Dali-like painting, and he felt that he was no longer in control of his reality or his perceptions,” Professor Dyck tells ABC RN’s Rear Vision.

The next day he conducted the first experiment of many to purposefully try the drug. His experiments launched “a whole wave of interest in brain chemistry” and what effects psychedelics drugs had on the brain.

‘Cutting-edge’ psychiatry

It wasn’t long after those early experiments in the 1940s that some psychotherapists started taking LSD, thinking they could mimic the experience of a person having a psychotic episode.

They hoped to gain a better insight into the experience of patients.

However the practice quickly faded as it became clear that LSD didn’t replicate a patient’s psychotic state, according to psychiatrist and author Ben Sessa. buy lsd tabs online Perth, Order lsd acid Perth, LSD blotters for sale Queensland, Acid tabs for sale Australia, Buy lsd acid tabs Victoria, LSD crystal

The drug remained useful as an adjunct to psychotherapy for patients, he explains.

Portrait shot of Dr Ben Sessa.
Ben Sessa says we’re in a “psychedelic renaissance” with more people aware of their drug options.(Supplied:

“One of the biggest problems in psychiatry, when it comes to treating long-term illnesses, is the sense of stuckness and rigidity that patients have,” Dr Sessa says.

“What the psychedelics did, and particularly LSD was, it’s such a profound peak experience, it offers the opportunity for personality change, where there would normally be rigidity and unremitting opportunity in terms of traditional treatments.”

Dr Sessa says LSD psychotherapy was used throughout the world on tens of thousands of patients with very few adverse effects for about 10 years.

“This was thought of at the time as really clever, modern, cutting-edge biological psychiatry.”

Psychedelics researcher Professor Charles Grob says patients with severe alcohol abuse disorders and advanced-stage cancer patients with “severe existential distress and demoralisation” also had good results.

The ‘secret’ gets out of the lab

In the 1960s, LSD became the drug of choice for the global counterculture movement.

“By the early 60s, the secret or the actual drug escaped the research setting, disseminated into the population at large and became particularly popular among young people … who had a flair for adventure and exploring new things,” says Professor Grob, from California’s Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation.

He describes the time as a “genuine public health crisis” with unprepared individuals taking the compounds in uncontrolled settings.

Tabs of LSD with a yin-yang symbol on them
When LSD escaped the lab, health professionals noticed unprepared users in crisis.(Getty Images: Paul Faith)

“There were adverse events,” he says.

Drug use became associated with the anti-Vietnam War movement and youthful rebellion against conventional society in the United States.

Maverick psychologist Timothy Leary, who coined the phrase “turn on, tune in, drop out”, went on to be allegedly described by US president Richard Nixon as the “most dangerous man in America” and became the target of the administration’s war on drugs.

In Sydney, LSD was available in the 1960s, with larger quantities noticed from about 1968.  buy lsd tabs online Perth, Order lsd acid Perth, LSD blotters for sale Queensland, Acid tabs for sale Australia, Buy lsd acid tabs Victoria, LSD crystal

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